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A porch overhang that wasn't structurally sound to begin with didn't weather the storm so the owner called us to fix the problem.
This photo shows supports put in place by us in order to complete the work safely and to keep the situation from getting worse in the process.
Stabalizing the roof overhang then removing the old porch was the first step in replacing this old porch on the back of this house.
Installation of steel columns required the use of a lift. These columns will not rot and create a a more stable, permanent structure.
Welding the beams in place.
Welding the beams in place.
Beams and first floor decking installed. Gutters reassembled as project progresses.
Second floor decking being installed.
View from below, installing the second floor decking.
Railings, .
A close-up of the first floor of the porch.
A close-up of the first floor stairs leading to the porch.
View of fully finished deck next to the neighbors' decks. The difference is stunning.
Completed porch.